April 24, 2020

Dear NBTHS Parents and Students:

First of all I would like to express my hope that all of you are safe and healthy during this time.  I would like to begin these updates to be posted frequently on the high school website and other means to maintain communication with you on important school information.  This is a time of uncertainty and questions are always welcomed and will be answered.  The best way to contact us is through email at this time. I’d like to remind you of administrative contacts:

Principal-  Mr. Kneller   mkneller@nbtschools.org

Class of 2020 AP-  Mr. Emanuel lemanuel@nbtschools.org

Class of 2020/2022 Dean- Mr. Zielinski mzielinski@nbtschools.org

Class of 2021 AP- Mr. Speller aspeller@nbtschools.org

Class of 2021 Dean- Ms. Bloemer kbloemer@nbtschools.org

Class of 2022 AP-  Mrs. Ezdinli-Palazzo sezdinli-palazzo@nbtschools.org

Class of 2023 AP-  Ms. Rafano arafano@nbtschools.org

Class of 2023 Dean- Mrs. Petronko rpetronko@nbtschools.org

Parent Letter 4/24/2020

*Parent Letter 4/24/2020 Español