The 2024-2025 Free & Reduced Meals Application is now available. A new application must be filled out for each school year .Please use this link: Free & Reduced Meal Appli...
Linwood School 5th Grade Parents and Guardians, Please see the attached document outlining 5th Grade Orientation Bus Pickup Times and Locations-- 5th Grade Student Orientati...
We still have a few left if you still missed the opportunity to buy a yearbook. You can come to Linwood during the summer from 9:30-3:00 except on Fridays.
Below is the list of school supplies needed for the 24-25 school year. Have a great summer and we will see you in September! 6th Grade Supply List 5th Grade Supply List
The summer is a time to relax and recharge, but it is also critically important to keep children's minds engaged and growing! Please see our website for the summer assignments for...
SUMMER ORIENTATIONS: Grades: PK, K, Gr 5, Gr 7, or Gr 9 If your child is entering any of the above grades, then please save the date for the following school orientations...
It's the Final edition of The Linwood Ledger for the 2023-2024 school year! Take a moment to read the articles written by our very own Linwood students in the Newspaper Club ...
As we enter the summer, we would like to share some water safety tips and resources with families. We want all of our students to be safe this summer, and encourage families to re...
George and Josh are two 6th-grade students selected to represent Linwood School in the STEAMtank State Finals by a panel of Regional Judges from the STEAMtank program. Only 20 ...
We are no longer accepting online yearbook sales. When the yearbooks arrive, we will sell them on a first-come, first-served basis - CASH ONLY. The price will still be $25.00
Sign up to Volunteer Here! The PTO needs parent volunteers for our car wash happening SATURDAY , 6/8! If you have any questions, please contact the PTO at linwoodpto@nbtschoo...